Bill Birnbaum, CMC, is President of Birnbaum Associates, business strategy consultants. He helps clients develop a shared strategic vision, then turn that vision into a sound business strategy.
For 20 years, Bill has published and edited the Business Strategies Newsletter. He is the author of two strategy books, including his most recent, Strategic Thinking: a Four Piece Puzzle (2004). For 20 years, he also taught strategy courses for The American Management Association, including:
Bill speaks frequently at association meetings on timely topics related to business strategy. In 1980, he developed The Strategic Planning Workshop™, a hands-on program to prepare client-organization executives to develop their strategic plan. He has since conducted that program for thousands of executives, many within client organizations, others as interactive viewers of the AMCCC/NTU Satellite Television Network. He also leads workshops on various aspects of business strategy, including:
Bill has served on the Board of Directors for three high-growth corporations, all of which were acquired per a plan he helped each develop.
Bill is certified as a Certified Management Consultant (CMC) by the Institute of Management Consultants. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering from The City College of New York and a Master's Degree in Business Administration from California State University at Fullerton.
In 2007, Bill lived and worked as a business consultant in Abancay, Peru, helping entrepreneurs and university students stimulate economic development in this poor region of the Peruvian Andes. He lectured at both UNAMBA and UTEA Universities, and wrote for Nuevo Management Journal. He speaks, reads and writes Spanish, and has traveled extensively in both Mexico and South America.