Dale Dougherty

Updated at: May 21, 2007, 1:57 a.m.

Dale Dougherty is an editor and writer for O'Reilly & Associates. He has either thought up, written, or edited many of the books published by O'Reilly. Among other books, Dale has written DOS Meets UNIX (with Tim O'Reilly), Using UUCP & Usenet (with Grace Todino), and Guide to the Pick System.

Dale is also manager of O'Reilly's Digital Media Group. He is responsible for developing books with companion CD-ROM disks as well as digital delivery of the information that O'Reilly has published in its UNIX and X books. He founded the Davenport Group, a group of over 30 UNIX system vendors, software vendors, and book publishers working to standardize an interchange format for computer documentation.

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