David A. Nadler

Updated at: May 21, 2007, 1:57 a.m.

David A. Nadler is Chairman and CEO of Mercer Delta Consulting, a management consulting firm that provides services related to strategic-level organizational change to major corporations and other institutions. Dr. Nadler consults at the CEO level, specializing in the areas of large-scale organization change, executive leadership, organization design, and senior team development. He is well-known for his research and writing on organizational change, feedback, group performance, management, quality improvement, and organization design. He has written numerous articles and book chapters, and has authored and/or edited fourteen books, including Organizational Architecture, Prophets in the Dark: How Xerox Reinvented Itself and Drove Back the Japanese, Competing By Design, Executive Teams and Champions of Change. Prior to Mercer Delta, Dr. Nadler was an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Business, Columbia University. He holds a BA in International Affairs from George Washington University, an MBA from the Harvard Business School, and an MA and Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Michigan. He is a member of the Academy of Management, was elected a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and is a member of the board of Mercer Consulting Group.