Faith Popcorn

Updated at: May 21, 2007, 1:59 a.m.

Faith Popcorn, best-selling author of Dictionary of the Future, EVEolution, Clicking, and The Popcorn Report is founder of BrainReserve, the futurist marketing consultancy she established in 1974. Recognized as America's foremost Trend expert, she has identified such sweeping societal concepts as Cocooning," "Cashing Out," "Anchoring " and "Pleasure Revenge."

As key strategist for BrainReserve, Faith applies her insight regarding cultural and business Trends to help BrainReserve clients reposition established brands or companies, develop new products, and define areas of new business opportunity.

Documented as having a 95% accuracy rate, Faith correctly predicted the demand for fresh foods and four-wheel drives, as well as the spiritual tenor of the millennium (The Anchoring Trend). She was the first to anticipate the explosive growth in home delivery, home businesses and home shopping (The Armored Cocoon). Her hour-long seminar, which focuses on how future Trends are affecting consumer lifestyles and purchasing behavior, has been presented to thousands of audiences across the globe.

Heralded for her extraordinary ability to forecast emerging consumer patterns, Faith is frequently interviewed and cited in the media (The New York Times, Time, Fortune, "The Today Show," "Face The Nation," CNN).

Faith is a graduate of New York University and New York's High School of Performing Arts.

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