John Jagerson

Updated at: June 12, 2016, 4:17 p.m.

John Jagerson has worked in the capital markets and private equity for most of his career, including investing, writing, education and money management.

Most recently, he was a vice president for thinkorswim Group Inc. (SWIM) and is a co-founder of PFX Global and Learning Markets.

John has a B.S. in business administration from Utah Valley University and completed the PLD at Harvard Business School in 2006. He is actively involved in managing his own stock, options, futures and Forex portfolios.

John is the co-author of Profiting With Forex: The Most Effective Tools and Techniques for Trading Currencies (2006). He has been the featured trader in BusinessWeek’s Stock Trader newsletter and has written for numerous financial publications. John’s commentary and educational articles are regularly featured across the Web. He was a managing partner at Ouroboros Capital Management.

Related Books

Profiting with Forex: The Most Effective Tools and Techniques for Trading Currencies