Mark Grinblatt is a Professor at UCLA's Anderson School, where he has held an appointment since 1981. He held a visiting position at the Wharton School from 1987-1989 and worked as a Vice President for Salomon Brothers, Inc. from 1989-1990. Dr. Grinblatt received a Ph.D. in Economics from Yale university in 1982 and a B.A. in Economics and Mathematics from the University of Michigan in 1977. He currently serves as an Associate Editor of the Review of Financial Studies and the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis and as a Director on the board of Salomon Swapco, Inc. As an author of over 20 papers published in finance and economics journals, he has written extensively on the topic of performance evaluation.
His past research, both theoretical and empirical, has also explored asset pricing, rational expectations equilibria, corporate finance, derivatives valuation, and agency theory. In addition to pursuing his current research interests, Dr. Grinblatt has a textbook for MBA's, Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy, published by Irwin-McGraw Hill.