Mina Samuels

Updated at: Aug. 2, 2013, 12:02 a.m.

Mina Samuels is a full-time writer, editor and performance artist, and in a previous incarnation, a litigation lawyer and human rights advocate. In addition to her own writing, her current editorial work may include, at any particular time, a diverse range of ghostwriting or editing projects from motivational, to biography and memoir, to business strategy, sports, and human rights.

Mina's most recent book, Run Like a Girl, for which she appeared on The Today Show, came out in March 2011. Her novel, The Queen of Cups, was published in January 2007 and a collection of short stories, Crucifixion and Other Fictions, released on CD in March 2008. New York Times Bestseller The Think Big Manifesto, co-authored with Michael Port, was published in April 2009. She has written two plays: Do You Know Me? and Hazards.

Mina has also ghostwritten many books, including a best-selling book by the CEO of a Fortune 100 company. She was a regular contributor to Vermont Sports for two years, has published personal essays in Alimentum and The French Literary Review, and her essay, "Tomorrow Might Not Be the Same," was included in the collection, How Running Changed My Life.

Mina has a Law Degree from Columbia University School of Law.

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