Posted by:
Roland Buresund
17 years, 10 months ago
This is based on and borrowed from Slashdot Book Review Guidelines, which utilise a similar 10 star rating system. If it works for Slashdot, it probably works for me ;-).
If there are any purists out there, feel free to suggest different wording.
Any book with a rating of 0 stars (aka no stars) indicate a book that hasn't been officially rated yet, even if there exists a review text.
- Execrable. Possibly fit for lining cages or usage as landfill material in East-African housing projects. Only a truly bad book should ever get a 1, and the review should justify this well.
- A thoroughly bad book, but not perhaps quite so bad as to deserve a 1.
- A 3 book might have flashes of good, but is one you're disappointed with in most respects
- Mediocre; it may have some redeeming qualities, but they're overshadowed by the flaws, or is simply mis-aimed. A book might rank a 4 but still be worthwhile for particular readers.
- Neither terrible nor terribly good, but with enough good points to make it useful for a fair number of readers.
- Decent and useful (or enjoyable), but difficult to strongly recommend for reasons outlined in the review; run of the mill.
- A good book; better than merely adequate, though not outstanding.
- Very good.
- Outstanding, but with enough shortcomings that a perfect score would be stretching things.
- Excellent; unsurpassed in its niche, a classic work. A review which makes a book sound merely Good should not be paired with a 10 rating.
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