Emotional Intelligence

Why it can matter more than IQ

Daniel Goleman

Publisher: Bantam, 1996, 413 pages

ISBN: 0-553-84007-X

Keywords: Human Resources

Last modified: Feb. 21, 2011, 3:11 a.m.

Is IQ destiny? Not nearly as much as we think. Daniel Goleman's fascinating and persuasive book argues that our view of intelligence is far too narrow, ignoring a crucial range of abilities that matter immensely for how we do in life.

Drawing on groundbreaking brain and behavioral research, Goleman shows the factors at work when people of high IQ flounder and those of modest IQ do surprisingly well. These factors, which include self-awareness, self-discipline, and empathy, add up to a different way of being smart — one he terms "emotional intelligence." While childhood is a critical time for its development, emotional intelligence is not fixed at birth. It can be nurtured and strengthed throughout adulthood — with immediate benefits to our health, our relationships, and our work.

This eye-opening book offers a new vision of excellence that can change the future for us and for our children.

  • Aristotle's Challenge
  • Part One: The Emotional Brain
    1. What Are Emotions For?
    2. Anatomy of an Emotional Hijacking
  • Part Two: The Nature of Emotional Intelligence
    1. When Smart Is Dumb
    2. Know Thyself
    3. Passion's Slaves
    4. The Master Aptitude
    5. The Roots of Empathy
    6. The Social Arts
  • Part Three: Emotional Intelligence Applied
    1. Intimate Enemies
    2. Managing with Heart
    3. Mind and Medicine
  • Part Four: Windows of Opportunity
    1. The Family Crucible
    2. Trauma and Emotional Relearning
    3. Temperament Is Not Destiny
  • Part Five: Emotional Literacy
    1. The Cost of Emotional Illieracy
    2. Schooling the Emotions
  • Appendix A: What Is Emotion?
  • Appendix B: Hallmarks of the Emotional Mind
  • Appendix C: The Neural Circuitry of Fear
  • Appendix D: W. T. Grant Consortium: Active Ingredients of Prevention Programs
  • Appendix E: The Self Science Curriculum
  • Appendix F: Social and Emotional Learning: Results


Emotional Intelligence

Reviewed by Roland Buresund

Bad ** (2 out of 10)

Last modified: Feb. 21, 2011, 2:49 a.m.

Latest fad. It seems as intelligent to measure the EQ as it is to measure the IQ. That is, not at all (EQ=65, IQ=185).

If you are into this, you have bigger problems than my review. If you want to read what defined the genre, be my guest, it is pretty lousy science and an even worse read.


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