Publisher: Product School, 2017, 302 pages
ISBN: 978-0-9989738-1-4
Keywords: Product Management
Nobody asked you to show up.
Every experienced product manager has heard some version of those words at some point in their career. Think about a company. Engineers build the product. Designers makes sure it has a great user experience and looks good. Marketing makes sure customers know about the product. Sales get potential customers to open their wallets to buy the product. What more does a company need? What does a product manager do?
Based upon Product School's curriculum, which has helped thousands of students become great product managers, The Product Book answers that question. Filled with practical advice, best practices, and expert tips, this book is here to help you succeed!
It is an OK 101 book about what it means to be a Product Manager for a Software company (they do mention Hardware in passing).
The last chapter nearly disqualifies the whole book (a lot of rubbish), but it manages to survive anyway. The have a website as well, which I wouldn't recommend, as the qulity there is pretty substandard (may change...)
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