The Globalization Reader 4th Ed.

Frank J. Lechner, John Boli

Publisher: Wiley, 2012, 542 pages

ISBN: 978-0-470-65563-4

Keywords: International Enterprise

Last modified: March 2, 2013, 8:33 p.m.

Since its initial publication, The Globalization Reader has been widely acclaimed for its comprehensive coverage of the complexities and controversies surrounding globalization. To reflect the rapid pace of global trends and ongoing scholarship, the Fourth Edition is thoroughly revised and updated while continuing to provide the most wide-ranging and successful introduction to the political, economic, cultural, and experiential dimensions of globalization available today.

Readings from scholars, activists, and organizations ensure balanced viewpoints and insightful coverage of the many layers and aspects of globalization. New topics explored in the Fourth Edition include global governance, world soccer, the recent global financial crisis, global health, American evangelicals, and tropical deforestation. Other readings address economic globalization, the role of media and religion in cultural globalization, links between environmentalism and the globalization of social problems, and the alternative globalization movement.

Presenting the most accessible and comprehensive reviews of current debates and research, The Globalization Reader Fourth Edition will clarify readers' understanding of the myriad issues surrounding the complex and controversial realities of today's interconnected world.

    • Preface to the Fourth Edition
    • Sources and Acknowledgments
    • General Introduction
  • Part I: Debating Globalization
    • Introduction
    1. The Hidden Promise: Liberty Renewed
      John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge
    2. How to Judge Globalism
      Amartya Sen
    3. Globalisation: Nine Theses on Our Epoch
      William I. Robinson
    4. Jihad vs. McWorld
      Benjamin R. Barber
    5. The Clash of Civilizations?
      Samuel P. Huntington
    • Part I Questions
  • Part II: Explaining Globalization
    • Introduction
    1. The Modern World-System as a Capitalist World-Economy
      Immanuel Wallerstein
    2. Sociology of the Global System
      Leslie Sklair
    3. Liberalism
      Scott Burchill
    4. Realism and Complex Interdependence
      Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye
    5. World Society and the Nation-State
      John W. Meyer, John Boli, George M. Thomas, and Francisco O. Ramirez
    6. Globalization as a Problem
      Roland Robertson
    7. Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy
      Arjun Appadurai
    • Part II Questions
  • Part III: Experiencing Globalization
    • Introduction
    1. How Sushi Went Global
      Theodore C. Bestor
    2. McDonald’s in Hong Kong
      James L. Watson
    3. The Transnational Villagers
      Peggy Levitt
    4. The Great Game and the Informal Empire
      David Goldblatt
    5. Is Baseball a Global Sport? America’s “National Pastime” as Global Field and International Sport
      William W. Kelly
    6. Strategic Inauthenticity
      Timothy D. Taylor
    • Part III Questions
  • Part IV: Globalization and the World Economy
    • Introduction
    1. China Makes, the World Takes
      James Fallows
    2. Commodity Chains and Marketing Strategies: Nike and the Global Athletic Footwear Industry
      Miguel Korzeniewicz
    3. The Global Economy: Organization, Governance, and Development
      Gary Gereffi
    4. Incensed about Inequality
      Martin Wolf
    5. Is Globalization Reducing Poverty and Inequality?
      Robert Hunter Wade
    6. Social Accountability and Corporate Greenwashing
      William S. Laufer
    7. Grounded: Income Inequality and Speculative Investment Led to the Financial Meltdown
      Branko Milanovic
    8. The Twin Excesses – Financialization and Globalization – Caused the Crash
      Ashok Bardhan
    9. Globalism’s Discontents
      Joseph E. Stiglitz
    • Part IV Questions
  • Part V: Globalization and the Nation-State
    • Introduction
    1. The Declining Authority of States
      Susan Strange
    2. Global Organized Crime
      James H. Mittelman
    3. Has Globalization Gone Too Far?
      Dani Rodrik
    4. Welfare Spending in an Era of Globalization: The North–South Divide
      John Glenn
    5. World Culture and the Future of Schooling
      David P. Baker and Gerald K. LeTendre
    • Part V Questions
  • Part VI: Global Governance
    • Introduction
    1. The International Monetary Fund
      James Vreeland
    2. The Future of the Multilateral Trade System – What Role for the World Trade Organization?
      Ann Capling and Richard Higgott
    3. A New World Order
      Anne-Marie Slaughter
    4. ISO and the Infrastructure for a Global Market
      Craig N. Murphy and JoAnne Yates
    5. Global Health Governance: A Conceptual Review
      Richard Dodgson, Kelley Lee, and Nick Drager
    6. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Grant-Making Programme for Global Health
      David McCoy, Gayatri Kembhavi, Jinesh Patel, and Akish Luintel
    • Part VI Questions
  • Part VII: Globalization, INGOs, and Civil Society
    • Introduction
    1. The Emergence and Transformation of the International Women’s Movement
      Nitza Berkovitch
    2. The Evolution of Debates over Female Genital Cutting
      Elizabeth Heger Boyle
    3. World Culture in the World Polity: A Century of International Non-Governmental Organization
      John Boli and George M. Thomas
    4. Closing the Corruption Casino: The Imperatives of a Multilateral Approach
      Peter Eigen
    5. The Backlash against NGOs
      Michael Bond
    6. How Global Is Global Civil Society?
      Neera Chandhoke
    7. Global Governance and the Role of NGOs in International Peace and Security
      Chantal de Jonge Oudraat and Virginia Haufler
    • Part VII Questions
  • Part VIII: Globalization and Media
    • Introduction
    1. Cultural Imperialism
      John Tomlinson
    2. Mapping Global Media Flow and Contra-Flow
      Daya Kishan Thussu
    3. Hybridity and the Rise of Korean Popular Culture in Asia
      Doobo Shim
    4. Watching Big Brother at Work: A Production Study of Big Brother Australia
      Jane Roscoe
    5. Bollywood versus Hollywood: Battle of the Dream Factories
      Heather Tyrrell
    6. Why Hollywood Rules the World, and Whether We Should Care
      Tyler Cowen
    • Part VIII Questions
  • Part IX: Globalization and Religion
    • Introduction
    1. Bin Laden and Other Thoroughly Modern Muslims
      Charles Kurzman
    2. Globalised Islam: The Search for a New Ummah
      Olivier Roy
    3. The Christian Revolution
      Philip Jenkins
    4. American Evangelicals: The Overlooked Globalizers and Their Unintended Gospel of Modernity
      Joshua J. Yates
    5. Globalizing Catholicism and the Return to a “Universal” Church
      José Casanova
    6. Religious Rejections of Globalization
      Frank J. Lechner
    • Part IX Questions
  • Part X: Global Environmentalism
    • Introduction
    1. From One Earth to One World
      World Commission on Environment and Development
    2. Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
      UN Conference on Environment and Development
    3. Greenpeace and Political Globalism
      Paul Wapner
    4. Environmental Advocacy Networks
      Margaret E. Keck and Kathryn Sikkink
    5. Toward Democratic Governance for Sustainable Development: Transnational Civil Society Organizing around Big Dams
      Sanjeev Khagram
    6. Ozone Depletion
      Pamela S. Chasek, David L. Downie, and Janet Welsh Brown
    7. Forest Stewardship Council
      Kristina Tamm Hallström and Magnus Boström
    • Part X Questions
  • Part XI: Alternative Globalization and the Global Justice Movement
    • Introduction
    1. Counterhegemonic Globalization: Transnational Social Movements in the Contemporary Political Economy
      Peter Evans
    2. The Global South: The WTO and Deglobalization
      Walden Bello
    3. Counter-Capitalism: Globalisation’s Children Strike Back
      James Harding
    4. Ecological Balance in an Era of Globalization
      Vandana Shiva
    5. Tomorrow Begins Today
      Subcomandante Marcos
    6. Porto Alegre Call for Mobilization
      World Social Forum
    7. A Better World Is Possible!
      International Forum on Globalization
    • Part XI Questions


The Globalization Reader

Reviewed by Roland Buresund

Outstanding ********* (9 out of 10)

Last modified: March 2, 2013, 8:33 p.m.

A very comprehensive and thought-provoking book about the current issues in the Global world (and Marketplace). If you want to have a good overview and some different perspectives on the global marketplace, this is definetely the book for you.

A good selection of articles, that for the most part were very readable and nearly always challenging the state of mind. Recommended reading.


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