Well, sometimes you're mistaken. I started reading this book thinking that it were the usual pseudo-science mumbo-jumbo, but was pleasantly surprised to find interesting reading, well-researched and well-referenced!
The further into the book I got, the more aha-moments I got (which is not usual nowadays).
All in all, it is a book that very insightful discusses why people behave as they do in the workplace, and why stupidity can be a hindrance but also sometimes a boon for the organisation.
I would like to wholeheartedly recommend this book. In fact. I would go so far as to say that this should be required reading for any MBA-student or manager.
And for you that don't read Swedish, it is written originally in English, with the the title: The Stupidity Paradox — The Powers and Pitfalls of Functional Stupidity at Work.
Dumhetsparadoxen: Den funktionella dumhetens fördelar och fallgropar
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