Mission-Critical Active Directory™

Reviewed by Roland Buresund

Excrement *

Last modified: May 21, 2007, 3:12 a.m.

I am ashamed of owning this book, but what the hell…

It is a good introduction to AD, but they blatantly lie and pretend that interoperability with a standard LDAP directory is possible (anyone that knows LDAPv3 knows that this is not the case, due to MS redefinitions) and that interoperability between Windows 2000 Kerberos and "standard" Kerberos is ensured (which is pure bullshitting, as MS extended the Kerberos protocol, which makes it impossible to interoperate in both directions).

After reading it, I must question if these morons have really worked with AD in a non-MS homogenous environment?

Why must MS litterature be so bloody false? This could be a good book, but the mis-statements and falsehoods makes it wastebasket material.


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