Omgiven av dåliga chefer

Reviewed by Roland Buresund

Disappointing ***

Last modified: Oct. 9, 2019, 2:12 a.m.

Sigh, this is the third book of the same author and, woth slight variations, the same subject.

It is painful to see someone that claims to be a specialist, in the third book start to acknowledge the importance of Driving Factors (i.e. Myers-Briggs, Kirton, et al) but still spends a extermely wordy book (and very boring as such) explaining his limited understanding of human behaviour and the reasoning behind it. Even more sad, is that he spends the entirely last chapter to acknowledge his ignorance (jesus, he believes that Maslow is the only motivators that exists...), as most people don't stand reading that far (I was personally forcing myself to read this book from start to finish).

Avoid it, it wont give you anything except pseudo science packaged as business insights (which is definetely ain't).


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