Ulla-Lisa Thordén

Updated at: March 25, 2012, 5:08 p.m.

Ulla-Lisa Thordén began after many successful years as an international top model her formal education at Lund University. After completing a Bachelor of Laws degree, she worked for almost ten years at one of Sweden's largest management company, where she ran up a number of profitable projects. Since then she has devoted herself to taking up new activities and coach those who need hands-on advice. Her ability as a speaker is to inspire those around her, daring them to do what they would otherwise shy away from, is well known.

In the early nineties , Ulla-Lisa started one of the first Internet and Web development companies in Sweden, Republic, now spun off to Republic Factory. Since then, Ulla-Lisa has worked as a sales trainer and coach in Sweden and internationally, is a recognized speaker and author of books, articles and columns. Part of her time she devotes to sales coaching in Entrepreneurial Program at the School of Trade and Economics in Stockholm and at Chalmers Innovation Centre in Gothenburg and other universities and a number of incubators.

Ulla-Lisa's clients include both start-ups as well as listed companies, and various entrepreneurial projects. She has produced a very popular sales course for women. As a lecturer, Ulla-Lisa speaks passionately and have very good contact with the audience. She makes things simple and creates enthusiasm, but most of all, she helps companies become more profitable. Ulla-Lisa has so far published five books, mostly about the sales process.

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